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Summer Classes and Fall Retreat


Who is wellness for? When was the last time you allowed yourself time to be in SAVASANA? I asked myself this question just the other day. As a yoga teacher, I'm always walking/talking others through their relaxation, but I don't remember the last time I myself was in savasana to look after my wellness. I took just 5 minutes and my goodness, if felt so good to lie there and DO NOTHING. Just 5 minutes is all it took for me to let go of everything. Next time I'm going for longer!

For those of you that don't know about savasana, the pose is lying on your back, arms comfortably away from your body, palms facing up, legs apart with your feet relaxed out to the side. Spread the shoulder blades apart, then close your eyes and breath. That's it. Allow your body to sink into the floor and enjoy this healing experience for as long as it feels comfortable! For those of you who have back or hips issues, you can lie on your back with knees bent, resting against each other, with feet apart.

Below: savasana from several years ago.

Give yourself permission, in all our busyness, to JUST...DO...NOTHING. Meditation and savasana, science has now proven, have such healing qualities on the brain which spills over into your physical body, your mental and emotional bodies. You need to look after YOU, your wellness. And speaking of wellness, laryngitis has taken over my voice and then turned into a bug of some sort, so classes will resume Monday, July 18 while I take the week for self-care. It's been a very busy year so this is much needed!

Join us sometime in our beautiful new ZEN space for YOGA or QIGONG to help with stress, strengthening and relaxation. Your first class is free for the experience.

2022 Schedule Mondays: 10 AM Yoga Wednesdays: 10 AM QiGong Wednesdays: 7 PM Yoga Studio closure dates: week of July 11; week of August 1; week of Sept. 5, Oct. 10. Stay tuned for Prenatal and Postnatal classes coming in the fall.

Everyone I speak with is in pain of some sort. Every single person has some sort of pain, whether it's physical, mental, emotional. We all have pain in our lives, sometimes it seems it takes over where we are not enjoying life much. Why not treat yourself to a nourishing mini retreat? To combat those feelings of anxiety and stress and to feel and look good on the outside, we must focus and start on the inside. Nurturing Your 'Self'

Saturday, October 1, 2022 9 AM - Noon 74 Conc. 6 Rd. Fisherville Energy Exchange $50. In this retreat we will focus on soul nourishment through self-loving exercises, yoga & qigong, meditations, relaxation, and Tea Ceremony. With life’s many challenges we may experience depression or anxiety. By opening up through practices in this retreat, we can release pain, tension, even suffering, thus inviting in a more positive vibration. These vibrations can allow us to live more in the present moment. When we live at a higher frequency, we are more in tune with our surroundings, living with more joy and a greater sense of awareness. By nurturing our true self, the soul, we will leave the retreat feeling refreshed, renewed and more harmonious.

I'm not sure where the following came from, it's been in my notes for a long time and one of my favorites.Read it slowly; I often recite this when I need a pick-me-up.

Life is our teacher, teaching us with the good experiences and with painful ones. The painful days are difficult to understand, but it is from these troubled times that we learn how to be strong. We learn to hold on and face each day, even though we hurt and feel frustrated. We learn that the simplest pleasures are often the most rewarding. And when life turns it's smiling side to us again, as it always does, we find ourselves stronger, with a greater knowledge of ourselves, and able to feel the welcome comfort of good times, more deeply than before.

Big love and deep peace,


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