Sewing Seeds of Kindness
There is so much suffering and tragedy going on in the world with war, flooding, shootings, etc. it is sometimes hard to stay focused on what's good in our lives. The fact that we now know about these disasters instantly through many types of social media makes it almost impossible not to know what is happening. It's not just world tragedies that can add to our suffering, it's in our communities and families too.
How do we stay grounded and rise above with what's happening? It really all comes down to kindness and love. It's not that we don't recognize events or feelings of those who are suffering. We can send love and healing energy, use the power of prayer, donate to a cause or lend a hand somewhere. These are all ways we can use kindness and compassion right here right now, thereby sewing seeds of kindness.
Here is a beautiful Metta (compassion) prayer by Ruth King...
May I be safe from inner and outer harm
May I be a good friend to myself. May I love myself well.
May I have mental and physical happiness, and if this is not possible, may I accept myself with courage and grace
May I be healthy
May I live with an open heart
May whatever blocks my heart be dissolved
May my heart be at ease.
May I love myself just as I am.
May all beings, without exception be happy and safe from inner and outer danger
May all beings be healthy and strong, and if this is not possible, may they embrace their limitations with as much ease as possible
May they feel my love and benefit from my practice
May whatever blocks their heart be dissolved
May they be free from suffering, all beings with exception, born and unborn, known and unknown, on all planes, planets and galaxies, including our earth.

2024 Schedule Begins January 8!!
Mondays: 10 AM Hatha Yoga - Dori
Wednesdays: 10 AM Qigong - Dori
Wednesdays: 7 PM Hatha Yoga - Dori
Thursdays: 7 PM Yin Yoga - Amanda
No Classes: Week of January 29 - February 2; February 19 (Family Day); April 1 (Easter)
Our policy is if school buses are cancelled, classes here are too.
For evening classes during 'iffy' weather, please check aheadon our Facebook page or website ( before heading out to class.
Classes here at Zen are designed to stretch, strengthen and destress!!
The studio is a place of safety, inclusion, compassion and love.
Energy Exchange:
Walk-ins - $20 (your first class is free for the experience!)
Six Class Pass - $95
Ten Class Pass - $140
Passes are open and can be used for any of the above classes
Signup for classes by registering by email, phone or text or 905-541-1315
Meet Andrea Johnston, a student at Zen Country Wellness and local artist.

Andrea is a beautiful soul whose works of art reflect nature and simplicity. Her lovely paintings and cards are on display for the month of December at the Minga in Dunnville.
Andrea's art cards are sold here at our studio, so if you need a last-minute card, you know where to find one!
 Women's Shelter Fundraiser
Interested in fresh local greens for a donation? We have a variety of lettuces, spinach and herbs of dill, basil and parsley right now (oregano and thyme soon). For $5 you will get a generous handful of freshly picked chemical-free greens. ALL DONATIONS will go to WOMEN'S SHELTER. Plus!! Zen Country Wellness will TRIPLE the donations!! From now till they are finished (around March). Thank you for your support!
As some of you may know many of the Women's Shelters is always running at full or near full capacity. The Federal government has REDUCED their funding this year to them. In Central Alberta Women's Emergency Shelter (CAWES) alone (near where some of my family live) they are at overcapacity. They take in "any women in need of shelter and safety, whether they are indigenous or not." From April 1, 2022, to March 1 2023, the CAWES served 428 women and 286 children and in that same time frame, turned away 1,081 women and 753 children because they were overcapacity. WOW...From someone who benefited from their facility almost 30 years ago, this makes me truly sad.
If you are someone dealing with domestic violence, reach out to someone you trust. You can even reach out to me, I've counselled/coached many women over the last 20 years in many different situations. Just talk to someone you trust, please don't keep this to yourself.
We have so much to be grateful for. Give where you can, when you can.
Mantras & Movement – Mini Retreat
Saturday, May 4, 2024
Take time to nourish yourself & feel more centered in our ZEN environment with this mini reset!
We will gently flow through yoga, meditate with mantras, sip tea and hike through the woods. Enjoy deep rest, listen to the birds, the breeze, your breath and heartbeat.
Let This Morning Be a Gift to Yourself.
We hope you can join us for this blissful time!
Presented by:
Dori Kienitz & Amanda Mullin at the Zen Haus
 Zen Country Wellness
9:30 AM – 12 PM
Energy Exchange: $50
To register: 905-541-1315

If you are so inclined, please leave us a Google review! Letting others know about your experience helps others decide if this may be the right studio for them. And we'd like to help/heal and bring peace to as many as possible!! So thanks ahead of time!

And lastly...
This has been a difficult and healing time for many. I myself, feel like this winter season we are entering is a time to hunker down; heal, de-stress, meditate, bake, read, watch movies, be crafty, walk in the woods, laugh and cry with friends.
Wishing you and your family blessings of health, joy, happiness and laughter during this holiday season.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Big love and deep peace,
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
~ Plato